Challenges – what challenges? In South Africa the times are becoming ever more ‘interesting’ energy wise: Eskom, nuclear power, solar? The many negative influences: a depreciating currency, social unrest, lack of service delivery, are now seemingly entrenched in 2016 South African society; they extend across the board and nobody is exempt. Except perhaps those in the higher offices of State.
- Home Fires
- American Shutters
Energy remains very much at the centrepoint of SA’s ongoing challenges. And it is most definitely going to cost more. This is Habitat’s annual FOCUS on the most aesthetic and practical solutions for residential seasonal climate control. Expert comment is included.
In South Africa we experience extreme climate changes year-round, sometimes dramatic in their intensity. Seasons from north to south are very different: i.e. damp cold in the southern provinces, winter graduating northwards to dry cold and further north to warmer climes in many areas. So the winter months offer different challenges in different regions; as does the arid and / or humid heat of summer in many.
- Calore
For the full article see Habitat #253 May / June 2016